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Pastoralism in the high tropical Andes: A review of the effect of grazing intensity on plant diversity and ecosystem services

Cita: Duchicela, S.A., Llambí, L.D., Bonnesoeur, V. & Román-Dañobeytia, F. (2024) Pastoralism in the high tropical Andes: A review of the effect of grazing intensity on plant diversity and ecosystem services. Applied Vegetation Science, 27, e12791. Available from: https://doi. org/10.1111/avsc.12791

Pastoralism in the high tropical Andes: A review of the effect of grazing intensity on plant diversity and ecosystem services

In this review, we analyze the impact of pastoralism on biodiversity and ecosystem services across the tropical Andes. We performed a systematic literature search and created a conceptual framework to map how available research has contributed to our understanding of the main pastoral system. We found important environmental impacts at high grazing intensities for both the puna camelid and páramo bovine pastoral systems, including a decrease in soil organic carbon and an increase in soil compaction, a decrease in above-ground biomass, plant species richness, and graminoid cover, as well as clear changes in the growth-form composition of vegetation.Given these findings, we recommend coordinated research efforts using common methodologies, documenting current and previous land use, including stocking rates, and combining observational and experimental approaches to develop a more integrated understanding of pastoralism’s impacts across this diverse and vulnerable region.