Effective landscape restoration practices require scientific knowledge about ecosystem functions, land use history, and institutional arrangements. In close collaboration with local partners, the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN) is working to develop and assess restoration practices in Andean ecosystems. The approach combines various tools at the landscape scale, emphasizing the need to integrate restoration actions into land use planning and the importance of monitoring restoration practices. The sustainability of restoration practices remains a challenge, but the work underway will allow CONDESAN to generate sound alternatives for Andean landscapes.
Artículo Científico, EcoAndes
Restoring Andean Landscapes to Secure Local Environmental Services and Global Benefits
- Proyecto: Proyecto EcoAndes
- Autor: Cuesta, Francisco
- Instituciones relacionadas: CONDESAN, Universidad de Amsterdam
- Año: 2017
- Países: Ecuador
- Área temática: Biodiversidad
- Líneas de trabajo: Investigación, Monitoreo Socioambiental
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